This is what the Law makers, Judges and police want you to believe Pot smokers are like. has acquired this content. For updating criminal defense attorney listings in the St. George Utah area please click this link.
in reality they look more like your kids.
This is a true story about my wife and I needing the help of lawyers in St George Utah. Learn what we're learning the hard way. We'll try and share some other good things we now know about hiring St. George Utah criminal defense lawyers while spelling out the basics If you’re going to Criminal Court in Saint George Utah.
Are you indigent:
At your Arraignment The judge is going to ask you some questions about what you own, how much money you make and other thing like this, if you have property of substantial value the judge will deny you a public defender and make you pay for your own criminal defense attorney. Poor is indigent, its what you get if you cant afford a lawyer. The weird thing is the people who can afford to pay get a better lawyer but the very same practicing attorney.
Another thing to start thinking about is: What is the deference between a fixed price and price fixing? A fixed price is important so a lawyer wont hike up his rates because he can tell that your situation is desperate. Price fixing is not good as this creates an obvious conflict of interest. Don't be scared to fire you attorney if you know he works with other firms to set his rates or if he is ineffectively representing you in anyway.
Is it worth looking out side the county for lawyers in Federal Cases? While working in Washington County Courts, all the local lawyers seem to be old school chums; I have heard multiple stories of how they all take their gloves off when it comes to Federal Court. Most of St George lawyers aggressively represent the state of Utah's citizens when facing the Federal Government. Even in indigent case I have heard from a trusted friend how Doug Terry is inspiring to watch during Federal trials and I've personal spotted Keneth Colms physical running back and forth the halls of the Court when defending a client with Federal charges.
How likely is it that the prosecutor will offer you a deal? No matter what we are told it seems to be the first goal of your lawyer as well as the prosecutor main objective is to Not Go to Jury Trail. Every time I was facing 3 or more charges I was offered a deal, every time I refused I was offered a better deal. The numerous multiple criminal charges that your facing and the ones that your not sure what they are exactly, are charges for dropping and deal making and shooting you as fast as possible through our insatiable criminal system. has acquired this content. For updating criminal defense attorney listings in the St. George Utah area please click this link.
Who are good Family Practice Lawyers for local or out of county family legal issues?
Do you believe the testimony of an officer should carry more weight then that of other witnesses?
We believe this is where our freedoms are meting their ends, police fail clips like these are the "free American's" first encounter with the criminal system, these people all believe they have more rights then they actually do. Is it your fault that somewhere along the way you where mislead. these people are just like you, they voited for the law makers who are ok with this.
Utah Court Calendars
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Washington County Arrests
Utah Court Home Page
lawyers St George Utah my lawyer ratings directory
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Washington County Arrests
I must remain anonymous for now for legal reasons. I don’t want to be accused of trying to influence anyone. After my jury trial, I will tell you my name and what lawyers of St George Utah will work for you, and who won't work at all. The "Lawyers St George Utah" Story starts now, 4-9-2010. Court is at 9:00AM on the 12th in 3 days; two people are scheduled simultaneously in multiple places and, like in any good story, the more sinister things are the hardest to prove.
My lawyers seems to be faking it. I can’t reach any of my St.George lawyers, but I can show the multiple failed attempts to fax them. Due process is missed at every turn. I can show where warrants were issued without any notice, Court dates came and went without notification from even my own lawyers.
(No court, after driving down to St George court was rescheduled for May tenth.) no notice or contact from the courts or our lawyers...
The St. George City court systems are out of control, and the ends do not justify the means. Though the people here represent a fine diversified community, the courts don’t seem to represent all the people. In Utah, we’re people who respect each other without being told to. We are people of kindness, to the point that even by the way we drive one who'll look closely enough can find a fellow southern Utahan driver in any one of these United States, and also in Mexico. While the people here are the best of Utah’s upstanding citizens, the factual basis is by the time anyone reads this I may already be in jail. On Monday, If I can’t be in two places at once I will be another victim that our super-hyper-over-effective-criminal-system uses to grow with.
But before we get in to this incredible story of what’s happening to my wife, our waiting baby and myself here is what you need to know about your own troubles you’ll face when you find your self looking for your own Saint George Utah lawyer.
1. Your St. George public defender is only going to talk to you over the phone and only if you contact him! You may see him at court and get a brief moment to catch up, unfortunately that is divided among the other clients he will also have to catch up with in the next 10 minutes before a Saint George Utah court judge will decide you future.
2. Why didn’t you call me? Take advantage of your phone appointment. Before you call have a list written out of all your questions and concerns. Be at all your hearings and ask questions, though the judge may get mad. You have the right to know if your lawyer's sending you up river or not.
3. Ask your self the questions, do I know what "Convicted by each element of the crime" means; what is a "resolution hearing", why is a resolution hearing better then a jury trial; is it better for me or the Court system. Finally, is this a time for me to be patriotic towards St. George's over grown criminal court system, or is it time to worry about your own butt and your own family’s future in these southern Utahan territories.
4. How many days before a proceeding should you be notified in advance; and do I report things like this to the Bar Association, to the St. George City commissioner, or both.
5. How much did this new St. George Court cost Utah and how much of my fine will go into building other Utah Courts in the future.
You should know all those things when going to any Court Proceedings, not just when you're being booked by a Saint George Utah Court Judge.
So back to the Story I was brag’n up earlier. Around June 16 2008 I was arrested at a friends house. The officers claim they saw my wife, who was my girl friend at that time, and myself smoking something. They wrote that we went inside, then they came over to where we were, and said they smelled burnt marijuana. What they 'forget' is that they placed me in handcuffs around 12 am and interrogated my future wife for nearly four hours while my hand swelled so much bones started to break. I was booked at Purgatory Correctional Facilities with a broken hand around 4:45 am. In Justice Court they’ll claim that they spotted me in back and contacted me in the front of Jane Doe's house. This coming Monday they’ll say smoke was billowing out of my friend Jane Doe's house. I know they’ll say all these things because they already did, they swore to tell the truth and went on to say that smoke was billowing from the front door even though they said that they spotted us smoking in the back and outside and they claim all of this happened inside of 15 minutes.
I'm not saying I'm perfect, some people still believe that marijuana is illegal because its harmful to the human body, I happen to believe it should be legal and I haven't used it before that day and since and that night I had none; couldn't find any, and I tried.
The prosecutor has his own prosecution methods. You should never count on a dismissed verdict meaning its all over, and never count on them telling you when your court date is. Now its likely you can count on the Prosecution dismissing the charges only to refile charges against you later with or without advance notification.
Utah Court Calendars Crack Pack
So check court calenders often up to 1 to 2 years after your first arrest. This is what happened to us. We had successfully moved to California after our charges had been dismissed by the prosecutor. Somewhere in the middle of building a life far away I found the time and had the inclination to check the court calenders and there it was; a ST George court date in Judge Dames Justice Court.
Should that matter, Cops say caught is caught, well I say right is right and wrong is wrong, and Criminal justice is something that the Constitution clearly outlines what is right. No I’m not perfect but it can't be much better for the wealthy men to piss on the constitution of both Utah and the United States just to punish people for suspected pot crimes crime.
(Remember at every contact you have with police, Get Badge Numbers, car Numbers, the details in the way your arrested can have significant weight if the Court is operating constitutionally.)
A Short while later, I was stopped leaving a parking lot by a ST George Utah bike cop; who said: I failed to signal while turning into a parking lot. They arrested me for the following. Interfering with a lawful arrest, Class A possession of a contoured substance believed to be pot, no drivers licence on person, and failure to signal. Again all charges where dropped. some where to be re filed at a less communicated time, with the exception of the drug charges they where never re filed because after having turn trough all the contents of our car found absolutely nothing.
Well if your reading this then, by now or very soon my address is most likely at the purgatory correctional facilities, or the (pcf) where I am spending 24 hours a day shoulder to shoulder with people who use all kinds of new crazy drugs and know all kinds of contacts, In this place sexual offends chatter the nights away about their evil conquests; to be over heard by men being pulled from their families for the first time; Young men put in here go into a state of shock and humiliation , they are being rebuilt from the ground up with a new kind of peer pressure. Criminal recidivism does not show a successfully process, it actually clearly proves how our criminal system does not work, it only makes it worst, no wonder people are fed up with the legal system.
These four Young women will be house with out concern, in Purgatory they will learn about harder drugs.
Something like 80% of the people being arrested are comeing back multipal times.
Purgatory is where I am going to live for no less then 9 months no more the 5 year, that's probable, by the time your reading this: Purgatory is what a Mormon community wittily names their prison. The only good I can do now is possible help others get a better start, and you are just starting out if you have found and read this whole thing. has acquired this content. For updating criminal defense attorney listings in the St. George Utah area please click this link.
f your like a lot of the people that get shuffled through this over grown criminal system; your just now looking for a lawyer so check out this "review page I used my recent and past experiences to review a few of St George's more established attorneys from a "q" criminal prospective. I have compiled some great crucial information about 4 of them.The rules of the constitution are set in place to protect "we the people", people have these rights for good reasons and its clear that at least in my case the St. George City courts are giving me no way to have true justice there is no way to enjoy my own Constitutional guaranteed defense.
For scanners: A brief summery of this page: Basically My wife and I are trying to start a family, we can't get a hold of any information from our lawyers, and they have been informing us 4 days prior to our court cases, double booking our mandatory appearances, and making it impossible to defend our selves legally. My wife is 7 month pregnant on the day I wrote this and its very likely I wont be there when my little boy is born.
you can help us by linking to this page. read "lawyer St George Utah" my Story.
Please help spread awareness of any problems you have or will face with the St George Utah criminal system. Comment and share your stories before this page gets shout down. This will be the Only place I know of like this and I hope to uncover some dirty truth about St George Utah Courts, Police and Lawyers. has acquired this content. For updating criminal defense attorney listings in the St. George Utah area please click this link.
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Criminals and the lawyers of ST George Utah.